1. imputeMulti::tract2221
    Observational data on individuals living in census tract 2221
  2. synthACS::AgeRaceDR
    Death rates in the United States by age and race, 2013
  3. synthACS::BR2014
    Birth Rates by Age and Race of Mother
  4. synthACS::LifeExp
    Life expectancy at certain ages; United States, 2013
  5. synthACS::MBR
    Multiple Birth Rate data by year and race of mother
  6. synthACS::TFR
    Total Fertility Rate by race of mother
  7. synthACS::adjDR
    Age-adjusted Death Rate by race and gender
  8. synthACS::la_hospitals
    Hospitals in Los Angeles County, CA USA
  9. synthACS::rawDR
    Raw Death Rate by race and gender
  10. synthACS::stateFR
    Birth rates, by age of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2014